LectureVR - Lecturer's Demonstration Tool

Scapula 'Y' projectionScapula 'Y' projection
Occipito-Mental (OM) projection of sinusesOccipito-Mental (OM) projection of sinuses
Anterio-Posterior (AP) lumbar spine projectionAnterio-Posterior (AP) lumbar spine projection
Right Posterior Oblique (RPO) lumbar spine projectionRight Posterior Oblique (RPO) lumbar spine projection
Right Posterior Oblique (RPO) shoulder joint projection (AP)Right Posterior Oblique (RPO) shoulder joint projection (AP)
Lateral hip with cranial angulation (shoot through lateral)Lateral hip with cranial angulation (shoot through lateral)
Left knee AP projection (slight internal rotation required)Left knee AP projection (slight internal rotation required)
Left Knee - latero-medial projection with horizontal beamLeft Knee - latero-medial projection with horizontal beam
lateral cervical spine projectionlateral cervical spine projection
Open mouth projection                                                   Open mouth projection