ProjectionVR - Patient Laying Recumbent (Supine)


Video Demonstration

video demonstration of a PA projection of the skull

Click image to see a video demonstration of a PA projection of the skull.


Screen Shots

Recumbent Screenshots

Click image to see a selection of screen shots produced by this module.


This module is ideal for practice or introduction to:

  • Abdomen
  • Pelvis
  • Supine AP CXR, lordotic AP
  • Ribs (supine)
  • L. Spine
  • Scapula (supine/prone)
  • T. Spine
  • SC Joints
  • Femur (non trauma)
  • Knee
  • Sacrum/Cocyccx
  • SI Joints

Radiographic examination using a table bucky and cassette on table top is possible. The cassette can be placed either in out out of the bucky. The patient is female. The x-ray tube is rotated with a vertical ray. This module has all the previous features and additionally allows the table top to be translated.

The module comes with two sets of patient data, one whole body and the other with one leg and no arms (to allow recumbent positioning of lateral projections of the T. spine, L. spine, and left lower limb)