We invite you to download virtual radiographyTM for a free, 15-day evaluation. You can try all of the features to see if the program meets your needs.
During the evaluation, all features are fully functional. No features are missing or crippled. The evaluation is identical to the fully-registered product.
To try virtual radiographyTM, just request an evaluation copy of the software. You get full use of the program for 15 days and we are happy to provide support via email to assist your evaluation.
You can convert the evaluation version to the fully-registered version at any time during (or after) the 15-day evaluation by purchasing a license for continued use of the program. Upon registering, you would receive an e-mail with a licence file that, when installed, converts it to fully-registered mode, enabling operation past the 15-day point.
Note that our evaluation version does not "phone home", it does not contain any adware, spyware, and does not install or modify any system DLLs. It has no effect on your system when it is not running.