Click image to see a video demonstration of a oblique projection of the cervical spine.
Click image to see a selection of screen shots produced by this module.
This module is ideal for practice or introduction to:
- C Spine
- Shoulder
- Humerus
- Clavicle
- Standing Knees
- Soft Tissue Neck
- Ribs
- Scapula
- AC joints
- Sternum
The cassette can be placed either in out out of the bucky. The patient is female.
Features include:
- patient translation, to the left and right
- positioning of patient to required object image distance
- patient rotation in the axial plane through 360deg to allow AP, PA Lateral and any oblique position required.
- translation of the x-ray tube (central ray) left, right, up and down.
- positioning of x-ray tube to the required Source Image Distance, from 50cm to 300cm
- xray tube (central ray) cranial and caudal angulation
- cassette translation left, right, up and down (out of bucky)
- cassette size choice (35x43, 30x40, 24x30, 18x24)
- cassette speed class choice (extremity, regular)
- cassette orientation (rotation through 360degrees in and out of bucky)
- Collimation
- Selection of kVp and mAs
- Dose Area Product Reading
- Image review and archival
The module comes with two sets of patient data, one whole body and the other with one leg and no arms (to enable lateral positions and projections)