

This is all well and good, but won't I have to replan all my lessons?

Well - maybe you are looking at this because you want to do something different, something a bit more interactive. In that case virtual radiography is for you! It is not only a great resource, It comes complete with 14 lessons in workbook form that lead a student through a large part of the introductory radiography syllabus.

Maybe you are not looking to change much about the way you teach. Well, virtual radiographyTM could really help you illustrate your PowerPoint slides. Using simple screen grab technology you can position the patient, collimation, bucky, cassette and tube and grab that image from any point in 360 degrees, and at any zoom. This will then make a great presentation.

Maybe you pose models and photograph them for your slides, but with virtual radiography, you can go one better and actually create the virtual radiograph as well. Although it is possible to get images from various libraries, there are no copyright issues with virtual radiographs as long as you have a licenses, every radiograph you create is yours to use. Libraries often don't have what you are looking for, and it seems that the common mistakes students make are really hard to find in libraries more geared for radiologists than radiographers.

Finally - there is a module designed just for lecturers who teach classes using a projector. This allows real time 'fluoroscopy' and can be used to demonstrate anatomy. For radiography tutors, it is designed to do more, it can show real time effects of changes to kVp. mAs, Source Image Distance, Object Image Distance, Film screen combination, Centering point, collimation and patient rotation.


How do I know this is a valid learning experience?

Validation experiments are ongoing, but initial validation of the geometry has been done and was presented at UKRC 2007 in Manchester, UK. The program has been developed over 6 years by a team of radiographers and software engineers. All user interface decisions have been lead by radiographers and all specifications have been written by radiographers. These radiographers have over 60 years of combined experience to rely on. watch this space for further validation results, all validation studies will be published and peer reviewed.


Who else has adopted this software?

You may be the first in your country, but not the only one. We have customers in the UK, USA and Sweden and we have had beta testers over the years on all continents.


Can my students run the software at home?

If you have purchased a site licence, your students are eligble for a licence to run the software on their own machines. Please see the Licensing section of this FAQ or contact us for details.