
Module Quantity Unit Price Sub Tot Discount % Discount Total Price

ProjectionVR 2596 0 0 0 0
LectureVR 599 0 0 0 0
TechnicVR 699 0 0 0 0
Virtual Radiography - Full Suite 3499 0 0 0 0
Total Price: 0

  • This form is to be used to create an illustration of cost for budget purposes; it is not an online ordering system.
  • Prices shown do not include any local taxes that may be applicable e.g. VAT or sales taxes.
  • All prices are in pounds sterling at the prevailing currency rate at the time of payment, not order.

User Details (the person using the software)

Contact Name

Postal Code
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Contact eMail
Institution name for licensing purposes

Note: This will be visible to all users of the software in the title bar

Electronic Delivery Only

Note: Only choose this option if you know you can download to a server through your firewall

Notes: This section is to be used once you are ready to purchase. We do not take orders online. This tool will print all the information your finance department will need to complete a purchase order (if you do not use purchase orders, you can print this form out, authorise it with a signature, and send it to us in the post).

Fast Track Process

If you would like to expedite your order, we would be happy to supply you with a 30 day trial licence on submission of this completed form via email.
Your Comment
Purchase Order Number

Notes: This is not an order, we reserve the right to refuse to send out products until a full purchase order has been received.


When we receive your purchase order we will dispatch a CD-Rom containing the software specified with a 30 day licence together with an invoice to the address you specified, on receipt of payment we will send you full registration serial numbers that will enable the purchased software permanently.