
This is a simplified star rating to indicate the suitability of a particular graphics processors for Virtual RadiographyTM. The table is not exhaustive as it only refers to processors we know to have run virtual radiography, therefore if the processor you are interest in is not listed it does not mean it will not work, but simply that we have not, as yet, tested it. As a general rule, if a processor from a particular series runs virtual radiography, than all the processors from that series will work. The only difference is in the speed of the response.

The scale runs from 0 to 5 stars

0 stars means the process WILL NOT WORK at all. This is usually because its design predates the introduction of features required by virtual radiographyTM

1 star meaning the application will works but the user interface may be sluggish and the image generation times will be greater than more powerful processors.

5 stars means that the performance of the application is not limited by the graphics processor.

For the technically minded, virtual radiographyTM v3 requires a processor that has hardware support for vertex and pixel shader model V2.0 and has support for floating point render buffers. Processors that meet this specification are sometimes referred to as DirectX 9 class processors. The advanced feature currently under development to be released as v4 will require Shader Model v3 support. This is something that you may wish to take in to account if you are upgrading your graphics processor.

A note about video RAM. Virtual RadiographyTM requires a minimum of 128MB video ram. However, more memory will generally improve performance. If purchasing a graphics card we would recommend 256MB or even 512MB if possible.


Series Model virtual radiography V3 virtual radiography V4

Radeon 9600 2 stars 0 stars
Radeon 9700 3 stars 0 stars
Radeon 9800 3 stars 0 stars
Radeon X300 3.5 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X700 4.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X800 4.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X1400 4.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X1550 4.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X1600 4.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon X1950 5.0 stars 3.0 stars
Radeon HD2400 Pro 1.0 stars 0.0 stars
Radeon HD4850 512MB 5.0 stars 5.0 stars
FireMV 2260 256MB 2.0 stars 1.0 stars


Series Model virtual radiography V3 virtual radiography V4

GeForce 2 all 0 stars 0 stars
GeForce 3 all 0 stars 0 stars
GeForce 4 all 0 stars 0 stars
GeForce FX 5200 1 stars 0 stars
GeForce FX 5400 1 stars 0 stars
GeForce FX 5900 1 stars 0 stars
GeForce 6 6200 3 stars 1 stars
GeForce 6 6600 3 stars 1 stars
GeForce 6 6800 3 stars 1 stars
GeForce Go 7 7300 3 stars 2 stars
GeForce 7 7800 5.0 stars 4.0 stars
Quadro FX 1400 5.0 stars 4.0 stars
Quadro FX 370 3 stars 2 stars
GeForce 8 8600M GT 3 stars 2 stars
GeForce 8 8800 GTX 5 stars 5 stars
Quadro FX 880M 4 stars 4 stars
Quadro FX 3800M 5 stars 5 stars


Series Model virtual radiography V3 virtual radiography V4

GMA 900 0 stars 0 stars
GMA 950 0 stars 0 stars
GMA X3000 0 stars 0 stars
GMA X3100 0 stars 0 stars
GMA X3500 0 stars 0 stars
HD Graphics HD3000 2 stars 2 stars